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BCS Company Registration

The updated policy that was put into force in late 2021 classifies the below as eligible companies to acquire a license for employing third-country personnel. As per the recent amendment of policy put into force in December 2022, companies of foreign interests must also additionally satisfy an investment criterion if an initial investment in the Republic is at least €200,000, which must be proven by presenting the appropriate certificates.

1. Third-country shareholders should own the majority of the company’s shares.

In cases where the percentage of foreign participation in the company’s share capital
is equal to or less than 50% of the total share capital, for the company to be considered eligible, then the foreign participation should represent an amount
equal to or greater than the amount of €200.000 as nominal capital.

2. Companies that fulfill the following criteria:

  • Public companies registered on any recognized stock exchange

  • Former offshore companies that were operating in Cyprus with the approval of the Cyprus Central Bank before the change of their offshore status

  • Cypriot shipping companies

  • Cyprus companies of high technology and innovation

  • Cypriot pharmaceutical companies or companies operating in the fields of biogenetics and biotechnology

  • Persons who have acquired Cypriot citizenship by naturalization based on economic criteria, given that they will prove that the conditions under which they were naturalized are still met

Benefits of acquiring a license to employ highly skilled third-country personnel in Cyprus:

  • Licensed companies are no longer restricted in the number of third-country employees they are allowed to employ

  • The new policy has set 5 years limit for securing at least 30% of personnel from CY or EU countries, which is set to expire on December 31, 2026

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